New Beginnings – GDA (Glasgow Disability Alliance)
Glasgow Disability Alliance commissioned Inclusive Images to facilitate our ‘New Beginnings’ online project. A photography showcase of members stories during COVID-19 with themes such as ‘Beauty is all Around’.
Quotes from members:
Rose ‘What a great time I’ve had doing this course. Way too short! Charlie, thank you for all the prep work you’ve done, and for encouraging us so much each week. You are an absolute legend! I’ve been so encouraged with everyone allowing me to be part of their lives by sharing your photos and letting us see the things that make you tick. This wee group has helped provide focus, especially this week when Internet was down for a while! So thanks again everyone & I look forward to a wee get together when things are back to a new normal‘
Ruth ‘Amazing work from everybody – it’s been a fantastic 8 weeks! A huge thanks to all of you, and to Charlie and Inclusive Images’