Rachel Heather Dennet
Rachel attended the Inclusive Images ‘Equality of Access For All’ workshops in Balloch in 2017. The workshop, in partnership with The Marie Waugh Project, aimed to highlight via the medium of photography, the problems incurred in the daily lives of people who have mobility problems. The participants would explore this theme over the course of the 8 week workshops, part of this was to capture images at home.
It quickly became apparent to us that Rachel is a talented and natural photographer, her confidence and enthusiasm only grew as the workshops progressed. Through discussion Rachel indicated that she would love to go to college to study photography and eventually become a photographer, initially Rachel did not know wether she would be able to cope with college as she is a carer and was unsure wether she would be able to find the time to attend classes.
“I really enjoyed the workshops they increased my confidence. I appreciate all the help I got from Inclusive Images, including helping to build my portfolio and getting an interview for college.”
However, with the help of the Marie Waugh Project and inclusive Images Rachel has managed to accommodate her studies to fit in with her role as a carer. Inclusive Images were honoured to help Rachel build and fund her portfolio. We will continue to provide support for her in her studies.
Rachel is starting her NC Photography course at West College Scotland in August 2018.